Playing with the form and scale of the prunt, our paperweights are an isolated ode to the forms of German forest glass, intended to use for your intellectual endeavors.
Handmade in New York, New York
3 x 2 inches
$ 60.48
$ 46.52
Playing with the form and scale of the prunt, our paperweights are an isolated ode to the forms of German forest glass, intended to use for your intellectual endeavors.
Handmade in New York, New York
3 x 2 inches
$ 40.00
$ 50.00
$ 53.71
$ 69.82
$ 77.79
$ 91.57
$ 53.78
$ 69.91
$ 15.00
$ 41.00
$ 59.00
$ 49.50
$ 43.77
$ 56.90
$ 62.56
$ 81.33
$ 48.00